Monday, July 27, 2009

belajar berdiri...

Gambar2 ammar belajar berdiri... that day before going out actually tgh ambik gambar die main2 ngan ball and suddenly dia gayut2 kat ayah yang tgh baring n terus try to stand up...kesian terketar-ketar gak tgk lutut die berdiri without pegang pape..berdiri tak sampai a few seconds jatuh..but he kept on trying to get up again n again until he was able to stand a lil bit longer and boleh tepuk2 tangan lagi...i was sooo happy n hopefully ammar boleh jalan before 1YO ...nnt raye boleh pakai baju melayu n jalan dgn steady nye ye sayang!baru best!

::yoyo what's up bro?::

::nak korek idung ke hape ni::

::yeay yeay yeay saya dah boleh berdiri lame sikit::

::trying hard to get the ball on the sofa::
::balancing his body not to fall down::
::alamak terjatuh sikit le mama::

::jatuh's ok will try again ::
::berdiri lagi::

::tahan kat kain ayah::

::penat dah mama::

1 comment:

  1. alahai..cutenya die.. br nk blajar berdiri yer.. oho.. lagi 2 - 3 minggu sure dh berjalan.. siap la mummy die nk kena kejar kehulu ke hilir ;p
